MicroStore Price List

Updated at July 27th, 2024


There are two versions of the MicroStore: public version and exclusive version

The functions of the two versions are the same, the difference is that

  • Only one store in the exclusive version
  • The exclusive version can use your trademark to make a stand-alone app
  • The exclusive version can be found on the Internet
  • The exclusive version takes 4 to 8 weeks to go online

  • More than one wholesaler in the public version
  • The public version uses MicroStore trademark
  • The public version can only be discovered through your own promotion
  • The public version can be opened immediately

Both versions need to work with the MC Advanced or Business version (MC App is not included)

Click here to see MC App Price List

Public Version   69€/month

IOS + Android Version

Generate a wholesaler website with zero maintenance costs

Unlimited number of customers

Commodity multi-picture display with 10 high-resolution photos of each color

New product notification will direct send to customer's mobile phone

Online payment: Stripe & PayPal
Link with your WhatsApp
Online customer service: MC Chat
Complimentary 1st MS Manager account. 2nd account is 18€/user/month

Exclusive Version   3800€/lifetime

All features in the public version
Customizable logo

You need to open an Apple developer account (99€/year, pay to Apple)

Need to pay for the daily maintenance of the Android & Apple market (799€/year, pay to eFolix)

Q: Do I need to pay 69€/month for the exclusive version?


Q: Is the exclusive version already online, can I change the logo?

Yes, if it is the same company, 800€/time. If it is a different company, it will be calculated by repurchase

Q: How much does it cost to update the promo images and company description in the exclusive version?

120€/time, including Android market and iOS market

Q: Can I change the App name?

Yes, if it is the same company, 120€/time, including Android market and Apple market

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