How to collect customer payment (cashier) on MC Boss?

Updated at September 8th, 2023

Q: How to collect customer payment (cashier) on MC Boss?

A: Go to Client page on MC Boss → Select the customer → Tap Cashier (There are 3 methods)



Method 1: Direct payment collection

Select payment method → Enter amount and tap OK → Tap OK to confirm→ Tap OK on top right corner to save 



Collecting payment directly, the system will deduct the amount of the oldest order directly.


Method 2: "Manually paid account balance" (by entering the amount)

Enable "Associate with unpaid orders" ( Manually paid account balance) → Tap "Enter the amount" → Select payment method → Enter amount and tap OK → Tap Next → Select order to be paid→ Tap OK on top right corner to save 



When you use "Manually paid account balance", it will show you unpaid orders. You can select any orders to be deducted.


Method 3: "Manually paid account balance" (by selecting order)

Enable "Associate with unpaid orders" ( Manually paid account balance) → Tap "Select balance order" →  Select order to be paid→ Tap Next → Select payment method → Enter amount and tap OK → Tap OK on top right corner to save 


The amount collected must be equal to the amount of the order selected. (Total receipt = Balance arrears)

Q: How to reprint payment receipt on MC Boss?

A: After collecting the payment, you can go to "Cash journal" page on MC Boss → Select the payment record→ Tap the payment receipt → "Three dots" on top right corner →Print

How to collect customer payment (cashier) on MC Seller?

Click here to find out


How to save payment receipt as a PDF file on MC Printer?

Click here to find out

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