How to modify MicroStore confirmed order on MC Boss?

Updated at April 20th, 2023

Q: How to modify MicroStore order after confirming it on MS Manager?

A: Go to MC Boss → Tap Document → Select an order → Tap "..."  on top right corner→ Modify order → Jump to MC Seller modification order page → Modify the price/quantity →Tap "Finish" to modify the order

On MC Seller: 

Kind tips

To modify an order on MC Boss, MC Seller is required. If you don't have MC Seller, please download it first.

Download link:

*In addition to modifying product price, you can also modify discount, unit, or delete the product.


How to modify an unconfirmed order on MS Manager?

Click here to find out


How to filter and modify MicroStore order on MC Seller?

Click here to find out

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