How to view detailed customer arrears and print on MC Boss?

Updated at July 20th, 2023

Q: How to view customer arrears on MC Boss?

A: Go to client page on MC Boss → Select a customer → View "Arrears" → View arrears by store


Q: How to view detailed customer arrears and print them?

A: Go to client page on MC Boss → Select a customer  →  Tap "Arrears" → Select a store → Tap Transaction arrears:  ▶️ on the right side → Select the date range → View "Arrears in this period of time → Tap Print → Tap "OK" to print → Check MC Printer if it's printed


👇 Printed arrears statement: 


Kind tips

1. You must enable the multi-store and multi-warehouse feature to view arrears across multiple stores.

2. You can set “ Start Date” and “ End Date” to view arrears details within a specific time period.


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