Q: How to create new products on MC Boss?
A: Go to MC Boss → Tap Product → "➕" → Description page: Fill in basic product information → Stock page: Tap Color and select → Tap grey part to upload images → Enter stock quantity →Tap ☑️ on top right corner to save

Q: How to modify product information or modify stock?
A: Go to MC Boss → Tap Product → Select a product → Modify → Modify product information → Tap ☑️ on top right corner to save

Kind tips
1. Besides manually creating products on MC Boss, you can also batch import product information on MC Web.
2. If you have multiple warehouses or stores, please click on the page and swipe left to switch between stores and fill in the stock.
How to create products quickly on MC Boss? (Copy product information)
How to add/upload photos to a product?
How to batch import items in MC Web?