How to customize the number of packing unit in MicroStore?

Updated at February 8th, 2023

Q: How to set the number of packing unit in MicroStore?

Q: Is it possible to set the number of packing unit for different levels of customers in MicroStore?

A: Yes, go to MS Manager  → Tap More → Settings → Order & Payments → Sales packing unit   → Enable "Sales packing unit" → Set the sales packing unit for "All customers" or Enable "Set for customer ABCD level separately→Enter quantity → Enable "Item's packing unit in MC Boss is also selectable"    Save

*When you enable "Item's packing unit in MC Boss is also selectable", customer can select between 2 packing units, either as MS Manager or MC Boss.

As shown in the picture:


Kind tips

1. When the number of packing unit on MC Seller is different from that in MicroStore, you can set it on MS Manager. All the products in MicroStore will use the number of package unit set by MS Manager.

2. MC Seller is not affected by the number of packing unit set in MicroStore.

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