How to generate and print customer's account statement on MC Boss?

Updated at July 20th, 2023

Q: How to reconcile previous arrears with the customer?

Q: How to reconcile accounts with customers to ensure that the amounts to be paid and agreed by both sides?

A: You can create account statement for a specific period of time on customer's details page and all generated statements are saved in the "Account statement history" and can be viewed and printed at any time.

Go to client page on MC Boss  Select customer   Tap "Create account statement" → Select date → Tap "All" to select all the orders → Tap "Generate" account statement → Tap "Cashier" to collect payments → Select payment method and enter amount → Tap "OK" to complete → Tap "°°°" on the top right corner and tap "Print order" to print the account statement

👇 Printed account statement: 

Q: How to find account statement history and print them on MC Boss?

A: Go to client page on MC Boss → Select customer → Tap Account statement history  → Select an account statement that needs to be printed → Tap "°°°" on the top right corner and tap "Print order" to print the account statement


Kind tips

1. The printer for the account statement is the same as the printer for the delivery note on MC Printer.

2. After generating the account statement, the sales order will be locked. If you need to modify the sales order, please delete the account statement before proceeding.

3. When you generate an account statement, there is no need to use a cashier to collect payments.

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